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Workshop med Damian McGillicuddy

Ta chansen att utveckla ditt fotograferande och lär dig av en av de bästa!

Prisbelönte fotografen Damian McGillicuddy kommer till Göteborg 21-22 april 2018 för att hålla en workshop där du får möjlighet att vara en del av hans team och följa hans arbete från planering till färdig bild.
Han lär ut sin speciella ljussättningsteknik, som bygger fantastiskt ljus i alla typer av miljöer, och går även igenom bland annat posering och kundrelationer.

Med sig har han även sin stylist och tillsammans med henne kommer Damian att prata om vikten av styling och rekvisita för en ”färdig bild” som får din kund att häpna!
Hela första dagen på workshopen håller vi till på vackra Nääs Fabriker för en unik och inspirerande miljö.

Här är vad Damian själv berättar om denna workshop;

Concept, Capture Create in Sweden
- a response to a shift in client desire


Learn how to shoot in a new way to give your client what your client desires. Fulfil their needs and fill your diary and bank account!
All things evolve and change.  What clients where happy to buy 15 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago even 18 months ago radically alters.
In a world where camera phones take pretty good images we must find the new desire of our clients and offer them a product that they and their “smart” phones simply can’t compete with.
Join Grand Master Photographer Damian McGillicuddy on this workshop and stay ahead of the game!
It is our visual acuity, rich narrative entwining imagery and our power to manipulate and control light that will both set us apart and save our industry.  Don’t be a dinosaur and refuse to adapt, embrace the change, the new methods and prosper.
Whether its natural light, speed lights or studio lights its the manipulation and control of light that will set us free.
Damian has found the need to offer and treat his social clients in exactly the same way as he does his commercial clients, every shoot now is almost like a “Big budget” fashion shoot and giving clients that experience yields massive rewards.
Damian will share with you how he and his team conceptualise, style and build the shoot.  Together you will get hands on as we asses the location, asses the client and light and pose them both for flattery and effect.
Learn Damian’s secret “Lego brick” lighting method that will see YOU in control of every lighting situation be it natural light, speed lights or bigger heads both on location and in a studio setting.
By highlighting, practicing and mastering the things a clients “smart” phone can’t do we will turn a flagging industry in a new and exciting place to be.
Learn to master Conceptualising a shoot, working on propping and styling the shoot, assessing and working with the location or set and lighting them in a way not only your competitors, let alone a phone, can’t touch and the success is all yours!
Learn why offering the “Whole package” is not only necessary but a must, learn why the “sizzle” is far more important than the steak.  Most of all learn how to light like a top flight pro this time and every subsequent time.
Join the team for the seminar and become an honorary member of Team McGillicuddy for the duration of the workshop. Work through every aspect of the shoot with us, as a Team member - conceptualise, build, style, light, shoot and post produce with us, its time to get your hands dirty in this hands on adventure. 
Together we will create a visually stunning piece of photographic art we can all be proud of.
Bring lots of enthusiasm, your note book, a willing mind to learn and of course don’t forget your camera! 



När?           Lördag 21 april kl. 10.00-18.00 och Söndag 22 april kl. 9.00- 12.00
Var?            Lördag: Nääs Fabriker och Söndag: Lilla Bommen, Göteborg
Pris?            5 000 kr inkl. moms/person
Vad ingår?   Workshop lördag och söndag samt fika och lunch på lördagen

Nääs Fabriker är en unik bruksmiljö med hotell, konferens, butiker mm. Titta gärna in på deras hemsida:


Anmälan sker via e-post till senast den 31 mars 2018.
Anmälan är bindande och faktureras löpande efter anmälan.

Det finns 12 platser på workshopen! Missa inte din chans!

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